Maine Marathon Training: Week 15

Taper time: keeping the intensity up and cutting the mileage down. How does biking fit into the taper equation? I have trouble taking it “easy” on a bike – every ride is a workout – but this week I was deliberate about slowing down and not charging up any hills. Next week I really need to cut back on my rides. It’s so hard to take the bus to work when I could be riding or running in the beautiful autumn weather!

Monday – 12 miles with 9-mile tempo at 7:45 pace & fast-finish mile in 7:00
My last long run (8 miles next weekend hardly counts as long). It was tough getting out there on a Monday morning, but it felt good. My route covered portions of the Marathon course including the last 2 miles. It’s a beautiful finish, around an ocean cove, but you can see across the cove and know you’re still 2 miles out. We’ll see how I feel about that come October 6th.

Tuesday – 21-mile bike commute

Wednesday – 21-mile bike commute, 4 miles with 10×1:00 fartlek
I’m not good at running less than 10 miles mid-week. I just can’t seem to find time to run other than my commute. So today I biked into work then headed right back out the door to get in my 4 miles before starting the day. It seemed to work out pretty well, but it’s taper time so I took Thursday off completely.

Friday – 21-mile bike commute

Saturday – 2×1600 at 6:30 pace
First time back on the track since my toe started hurting. I felt sluggish but had no trouble hitting my splits. That’s it – I’m finished with hard workouts. Time to really start resting. I can feel the nerves setting in. Can I really run 26.2 miles at 8:00 pace? On a hilly course? I’m really going to try to take it easy at the start (8:15 pace) which means I’ll need to finish at under 8:00 pace! I have my doubts…


The Maine Marathon is only one week away!

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